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    Historically, the term “operating theatre” referred to a non-sterile, tiered theatre or amphitheater in which students and other spectators could watch surgeons perform surgery. Contemporary operating rooms are devoid of a theatre setting, making the term “operating theatre” a misnomer.


    The most complex and challenging area of hospital construction is the operating department. Modular Operation Theatre (MOT) offers the advantage of speedy construction combined with design, future expansion and development in surgical technique whilst simultaneously providing a structure of the highest quality and standards.


    MOT, where most integrated functions are always required, such as hygiene must be preserved with safety facilities, equipment and device must be maintained any times. Furthermore, the working environment for medical staff such as doctors and nurses must be considered from the view point of human engineering.


    Narula Exports MOT have been satisfying the hygienic needs of a hospital while consisting of a ceiling and wall panels, doors and is capable of incorporating not only electrical equipment, medical gas pipeline system (MGPS) recording and archiving systems and lighting gears but all the necessary functions and equipment’s at need. In addition, it has a high accessibility with high workability and ample functions, which is provided for the introduction of a new facility in the future.

    The modular operation theatre (MOT) integrated approach to the construction and co-ordination of operating theatre.



    • A continuous flow of highly filtered ‘bacteria-free’ air is reticulated under positive pressure into the operating field and air contaminants generated during surgery are removed from the site.
    • Easy to clean steam cleaned, electro metric (ideal for high humidity areas).
    • Vapour permeability (allows substrate moisture to escape) protects against growth of bacteria, mould and yeasts.
    • Moisture resistance, freeze / thaw resistance.
    • High standard of asepsis.
    • Seamless, Economic.
    • Future Expansion.
    • Optimal working conditions for the surgical and supporting team.
    • Maximum standard of safety for patient and staff from environmental, anesthetic & radiological equipment and peri & post operative hazards.
    • Flexibility in the design of OT to ensure optimum utilization of OT and staff time.
    Control Panel
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    Energy Bridge-MOT I ICU I Emergency
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    Equipment Storage Unit
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    Hermetically Sealed Door
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    Modular Emergency Room
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    Modular ICU
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    Modular Operation Theatre (MOT)
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    Operation Theater Table
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    OT Integration
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    X-Ray / Pac Viewer
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    Pass / Hatch Box
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    Pendants MOT I ICU I Emergency
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    Plenum Unit (Laminar Air Flow)
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    Pressure Relief Dampers
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    Surgical Light
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    Surgical Scrub Station
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    Wall & Ceiling
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    Advantages of Grouping of OTs

    • Flexibility In Use
    • Easy Expansion In
    • Future
    • Better Training & Staff Utilization
    • Better & Maintenance
    • Better Utilization of Equipment’s & Instruments
    • Flexibility In OT Allocation
    • Minimize Infection
    • Better Cleaning & Asepesis
    Surgical Light

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